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What to Do When a Death Occurs

No matter whether the death is sudden and unexpected, or an anticipated passing, bringing the deceased into the trusted care of a Provider initiates a respectful transition. 

The loss of a loved one is emotional and often overwhelming.  No amount of acknowledgement can ever fully prepare you for the loss of a loved one.  Making the necessary and immediate decisions required when a person dies involves mental and physical strength and attention.  How this final disposition is carried out is surrounded by religious, personal, social and cultural considerations.  Equally important is recognition of the social and psychological impact that death brings. 

Cremation Services

When death occurs at home or a place of business

If the person was not under palliative care

If the person was not under palliative care, the Police will have to be notified immediately.  Many people question this circumstance so explained as plainly as possible, this means that if someone is in your home, their home, place of business or worship, and they die….and this death was not currently under the care of medical professionals who are qualified in this circumstance to make a pronouncement….this is then viewed as an unanticipated or unexpected life event and you would remain as calm as possible and call 911 immediately. 

An Officer will be dispatched to the home; they know procedure and they will coordinate with the Coroner.  The Coroner may make arrangements to take the body to determine whether further action is necessary, or the Coroner will release the body allowing your chosen Provider to be notified to attend the home and bring the deceased into care.  If your choice is Wareing Cremation Services we would be contacted by police on scene, the coroner, or a capable family member on scene.  Paul and Barb can be reached by telephone day or night at 519-409-5575 or 519-290-5575. 

Final Arrangments Services
If the person was under palliative nursing care

If the person was under palliative nursing care, contact the palliative nursing representative if they were not present to determine what the proper procedures are to follow. 

In these circumstances a responsible medical team will have, should have, a  plan (EDITH) in place as this was an eventual expected outcome. 

This plan would have both the Doctor and Provider notified in writing well in advance by those providing palliative nursing care as to the part each will play at the  time of death in the home; all parties would have indicated compliance, in writing, with this plan well in advance. 

The palliative care nurse will attend and pronounce the time and date of death in writing, and then he/she will contact Wareing Cremation Services to initiate the immediate need for our services.

When a death occurs at a hospital/nursing


The Staff of a care facility such as a hospital, long term care, or hospice will notify the designated family member when a death has occurred; be sure that your personal contact information is current. 

In each of these situations, information for Wareing Cremation Services should be provided to Staff by the family member(s) responsible or the POA. Please communicate so that they are clear. 

If the death has occurred in a hospital, you will be notified by Hospital Staff

  • Once Staff has notified you of the death of your loved One, telephone Wareing Cremation Services to request our Services (if no prior contact  has been initiated) or to inform us of the death. 519-409-5575 or 519-290-5575.  

  • Once you have contacted us, we make contact with the hospital to determine time of release so that we can proceed to bring the deceased into our care.

If the death has occurred in Long Term Care or Hospice, Wareing Cremation  Services, will be notified by Hospice or LTC Staff

  • The protocol for a goodbye with an Honour Guard of Staff members and often fellow residents joining the family members present is customary.  
  • It is appreciated when families contact our office as someone is being  admitted to Hospice.  This keeps Wareing Cremation Services informed of the individual circumstances, and allows us to begin the conversation before death has occurred, and to provide answers to your questions or concerns. 

Decisions on these Final Arrangements may seem like a very daunting task, but Wareing Cremation Services is prepared to provide confidence and make this path a little less overwhelming.

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