Cemetery Vases
Several styles and price points available
This Cemetery Vase allows a person to bring fresh flowers from their garden, the florist, or the grocery store, add fresh water to the vase,
and leave a Bouquet graveside.
Cemetery Vases are a fixture that is gently yet firmly inserted into the ground, typically along the frontside of the concrete base that supports the family monument, until the collar is flush with the earth.
When the exposed Vase is turned and positioned upright, it can hold a bouquet of flowers, with a mind set to everyone's safety, this Vase eliminates glass containers being left graveside.
When the Vase portion is not in use, it should be inverted into itself (the portion which is the sleeve in the ground), and has slots to hold the inverted vase in place until the next use. Because you will install this (sleeve portion) flush to the ground, the sleeve collar makes a seamless edge and allows for ease of maintenance of the Cemetery Grounds as well as maintaining the integrity of your Vase.
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It is always best practice to ensure that the vase is inverted and secured when your family does their Autumn cleanup of the Family plot at the Cemetery. This will prevent water and snow from collecting in the vase in the winter months, and is also good practice as a safety measure for Staff walking the Cemetery grounds locating graves in the heavy snow accumulating months.
Please know there are several styles and price points available.